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Donna Williams for Emergencyoga

By 3 Gennaio 2023Gennaio 2nd, 2024No Comments

September 7-14, 2024

Donna Williams for Emergencyoga


This retreat unveils a new dimension of the sacred feminine and is for women seeking to awaken their inner goddess and unapologetically forge a new voice, honour and identity. If you’re ready to rediscover your innate femininity and unearth the secret history of goddess warriors to re-write your life, then this retreat is for you.

Have you been searching for ways to step out of the masculine and drop deep into your goddess nature, so you can live a life of meaning, magic, connection and joy?

Let my Sacred Goddess Retreat be your sign, the impetus you’ve been seeking. This right here is my loving invitation to you, to join me for a divine and luxurious week in Puglia, Italy to reconnect with your very own sacred goddess and redefine your feminine values.

It’s my wish for all women and especially for you, that you can live this one wild and precious life on your own terms, deeply connected to your truest nature, speaking your most authentic voice, living apologetically in your chosen identity and with honour and truth.

That’s why I’m hosting the Sacred Goddess experience on divine land at La Rosa dei 4 Venti, the world renowned retreat centre located on the ancient pilgrims route from Jerusalem to Rome. This land holds the generational energy of devotion, and through its history, naturally invokes the goddess archetypes to support our highest good.